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J.B. Arthur

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I've Always Had A Story To Tell

Although this is my first novel, I am no stranger to writing. My career as a graphic designer/copy writer with companies like Procter & Gamble, Mead Fine Papers, Standard Textile and Sun Communities have included printed collateral/advertising sales copy, pamphlets and brochures, manuals, and electronic

& social media creation.

I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio where I attended Miami University in Oxford. This is also where I began my professional career in the Photo/Graphics Department with the Procter & Gamble company.

Most find it unbelievable that I met the love of my life in kindergarten and we have been together ever since. Together we have four adult children and several grandchildren who all love to visit our new home in Sarasota, Florida. Heck, who wouldn’t, grandma and grandpa have a pool, a pontoon boat and are minutes away from Siesta Key… the #1 Beach in the nation!

And yes, the character of Mac, the Scottish Terrier, is based on our fourth and most beloved Scottie Dog Maggie Rose. Now, sit back and enjoy the journey.

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Pelican Cove

Going Home

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Available NOW!


A sixty-year-old, corporate woman runs away from her recent past to a familiar, but uncertain, life in Sarasota, Florida where she must confront the ancient past in order to assure her family’s impending future.
Elizabeth Blum is no stranger to loss. In fact, it has ruled her existence for years now. Having buried herself in the high stress, corporate world of Procter & Gamble she accepts an early retirement package and makes the harebrained decision to run away from home.
Yet, the decision to move from Cincinnati, Ohio to Southwest Florida comes with angst, as Liz battles more phobias than Sigmund Freud ever imagined, plus recurring anxiety and panic attacks that are self-medicated with wine and Librium.
Supported by her long-time friend, Jacqueline Hernandez, Liz settles into Pelican Cove along with all the eccentricities the unconventional residents have to offer. Her journey is filled with humor entwined with fear. Along the way she finds friends, foes, family, woes, a possible ghost and … could it be love?

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"When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable.
I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times,
and to the latest."

Henry David Thoreau

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Throughout the creation of this novel there was a playlist of songs running through my head, much as is customary in a movie soundtrack. Copyright regulations and their related costs do not allow this debut author to include the complete lyrics to these works. However, it is permissible for me to include the title, performer, lyricist and year written. It is my hopes that perhaps you’ll find yourself humming along as you read, or perhaps take a moment to look up the tune and have a listen.
―J.B. Arthur

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Pelican Cove: Going Home


Click on the link to listen to the book soundtrack free on Spotify!

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